About Design Process

During my gap year, and before starting the process of applying to jobs, or even getting back to the U.S.A., I noticed that while at graduate school, it's really hard to pinpoint how you approach a design problem. One of the great things that happened while initially working on this website was being able to thread my projects main ideas. However working on personal branding was new to me, and "who I am as a designer*," kept coming to mind. *(A funny statement between friends; due to the fact it's almost impossible to define oneself under a specific set of rules.)

The logo was specifically challenging. I asked myself, do recruiters care for a logo on brand identity?

As I trust dedicating time on a cohesive and well prepared 'application submittal,' I thought that a logo would help. Even though I was afraid people could possibly see it as cheesy, or gimmicky I decided to give it a try.

And that's where I found a clear, easy mapping of how I approach problem solving, or, as we like to joke: "Well, as a designer..."

My starting point was a geometrical translation of the letter "M."

Here is the graphic representation of its design stages.


These stages start with intuitive analytical conclusions that lead to a multiplicity of cues given from data differentials ultimately taking them and their iterative options to its final aesthetic appeal for the client, in this case, myself. (Ha-ha!). Nonetheless I did do a thorough market research with all of my lovely friends and colleges. Thanks for the help you guys! 

Please leave your thoughts and comments. 

Best wishes, 


Marina Miers